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Beneficial microorganisms are providing answers for fruit disease

Beneficial microorganisms are providing answers for controlling an insidious fruit disease. Biological control crop treatments are experiencing significant worldwide growth, thanks to NZ scientists. Plant & Food Research plant pathologists sifted through numerous fungi and bacteria from its extensive library of beneficial microorganism’s breakthrough for kiwi fruit PSA disease. The conception of the bio-control product came as the kiwifruit industry and Plant & Food Research threw intense resources into helping stave off a disease that threatened to wipe out the country’s highest value horticultural crop in late 2010. In casting around for biological answers to PSA, Plant & Food Research plant pathologists sifted through numerous fungi and bacteria from its extensive library of beneficial microorganisms.

The team at Ruakura found an Otago apricot fungus, that occurred naturally on the plant which was harmless to the host, was very influential for dealing with Psa.

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