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Farmer Marketing for Consumers

The consumer model is constantly shifting, with many customers today focusing on what is known as “conscious consumerism”—the buying practices driven by a commitment to making purchasing decisions that have a positive social, economic, and environmental impact.

So how can farmers use this knowledge to make important decisions on what and even how they are growing and how can they make the most of this when selling their products?

Short value chains play a key role in the emerging food networks that are continuously arising as an alternative to the globalized agri-food model. The diversities and particularities of the experiences existing all over the world like farmers’ markets or on-farm selling, have attracted a growing interest from academia and policy-makers due to the nature of these initiatives, as well as for the socioeconomic, territorial and environmental scope.

Join B.linc Innovation at their next Innovation Series event to hear from experts in this field who can provide advice and stats which just might make you think how you as a farmer can capitalise on these insights or how you as a consumer can influence things in the food industry.

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