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  • Rob Reynish

What problem is the new thing solving?

Dr Jacqueline Rowarth, soil scientist and farmer-elected director of DairyNZ and Ravensdown. Comments on people swimming in a flood of information and trying to find the good oil, consider asking the following questions: What problem is the new thing solving? Do you actually have that problem?

Are the results of research presented appropriate for your farm or business? Is the pitch on emotion or evidence? Client testimonials are not the same as evidence. Evidence is facts, data and research, preferably where appropriate comparisons have been made with other products or systems, and in a setting appropriate for New Zealand. Analysis of a product (its chemical composition, for instance) is no substitute for its effect…..Are figures of production disclosed? Quoting percentages without indicating the starting point can have impact but is meaningless. A grazing management system that increases production by 30% sounds impressive but 30% of something that is poor is still not good. Is the starting point given?

Science and marketing are part of a continuum with potential for confusion. Scientific research can certainly be coloured by perspective, but reputable journals sort out fact from wishful thinking. Once published, however, marketers sometimes focus on possibilities rather than realities. And people trying to do the right thing and create a better life, do get carried away….

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